Case: gitlab-runner ran out of disk space
May 31, 2021
Investigate which directory consumed all the space:
df -h
cd / && du * -sh
You’ll see something like this
0 bin
34M boot
0 dev
31M etc
598M home
0 lib
0 lib64
0 local
0 media
0 mnt
116K opt
0 proc
32K root
464K run
0 sbin
0 srv
0 sys
0 tmp
1.5G usr
385M var
In my case unused docker
images consumed most of the free space
- run
docker system prune -af
- add a cron job running the command above daily
crontab -e
0 0 * * * /root/
(runs at 00:00 daily)
- check cron logs
tail -f /var/log/cron